
- S3-Leitlinie (Langversion): Management der Mediastinitis nach herzchirurgischem Eingriff
- Implementation of the aortic no-touch technique to reduce stroke after off-pump coronary surgery.Albert A, Ennker J, Hegazy Y, Ullrich S, Petrov G, Akhyari P, Bauer S, Ürer E, Ennker IC, Lichtenberg A, Priss H, Assmann A.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Aug;156(2):544-554.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2018.02.111. Epub 2018 Apr 11.
- Current indications for stentless aortic bioprostheses.Hegazy YY, Rayan A, Bauer S, Keshk N, Bauer K, Ennker I, Ennker J.Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2018 Jan;26(1):19-27. doi: 10.1177/0218492317721411. Epub 2017 Jul 12. Review.
- Stentless Bioprostheses for Aortic Valve Replacement in Octogenarians: The Influence of Coronary Artery Disease. Ennker J, Zadeh B, Pons-Kuehnemann J, Niemann B, Grieshaber P, Ennker IC, Boening A.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Jun;66(4):322-327. doi: 10.1055/s-0037-1604048. Epub 2017 Jul 4.
- Freestyle stentless bioprosthesis for aortic valve therapy: 17-year clinical results. Ennker J, Meilwes M, Pons-Kuehnemann J, Niemann B, Grieshaber P, Ennker IC, Boening A.Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2016 Nov;24(9):868-874. Epub 2016 Oct 18.
- Are aortic valve reoperations after primary replacement with stentless heart valve prostheses more demanding than after stented biological prostheses? Böning A, Niemann B, Ennker I, Richter M, Roth P, Ennker J.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Sep;62(6):475-81. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1371697. Epub 2014 May 1.
- Ennker I.C, J.C. Ennker
The History of the Management of Sternal Osteomyellitis and Mediastinitis Hippocrates to today
HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2014 - Böning A, Niemann B, Ennker I.C, Richter M, Roth P, Ennker J.
Are Aortic Valve Reoperations after Primary Replacement with Stentless Heart Valve Prostheses More Demanding than after Stented Biological Prostheses?
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 May 1. [Epub ahead of print] - J. Ennker, Ennker I.C
Advantages and Pitfalls of Opcab Surgery
Medimont, Coronary Artery Disease Oct. 2013, p. 333-338 - J. Ennker, Ennker I.C
Die Koronarchirurgie – akuteller Stand und Ausblick
CHAZ, 14. Jahrgang, 1. Heft 2013 - J. Ennker, Ennker I.C
Gerüstloser Aortenklappenersatz
Z Herz-Thorax-Gefäßchir 2012, Okt.6, S.1-4 - Ennker J, Albert A, Ennker I.C
Stentless aortic valves. Current aspects
HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2012;4(2):77-82 - Ennker IC, Ennker JC.
Management of sterno-mediastinitis
HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2012;4(4):233-41 - Ennker JC, Ennker I.C
Coronary artery surgery: now and in the next decade
HSR Proc Intensive Care Cardiovasc Anesth. 2012;4(4):217-23 - Gebhardt D, Schmid F, Weber F, Heinke M, Ennker I.C, Melichercik J, Ismer B.
What range of pace-sense-compensation should be provided in biventricular pacing systems for heart failure?
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Gerüstloser Aortenklappenersatz – Aktuelle Aspekte
Chirurgische Allgemeine Zeitung 2012 im Druck - Ennker J, Ennker I.C.
Coronary artery surgery – now and in the next decade
hsr proceedings, Intensiv Care Cardiovascular Anesthesia
Vol. 4, No.2, 2012, S. 217-222 - Ennker J, Ennker I.C.
Gerüstloser Aortenklappenersatz
Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie, 2012, Okt. 6, S. 1-4 - Ennker J, Alexander A, Ennker I.C.
Stentless aortic valves, Current Aspects
hsr proceedings, Intensiv Care Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Vol. 4, No 2, 2012, S. 77-82 - I.C. Ennker, Kojcici B, Ennker J, Vogt P, Melichercik J
Examination of Opportunity Costs and Turnover Situation in Patients with Deep Sternal Infections
Zentralbl Chir. 2011 Dec 22 (Epub ahead of print) PMID: 2219084 - I.C.Ennker, J.Ennker
Behandlung der postoperativen Mediastinitis und Sternumosteomyelitis
Chirurgenmagazin, Heft 53, Ausg. 5 Seite 44-47, ISSN 1611-5198, 2011 - I.C. Ennker, A. Albert, Dalladaku F, Rosendahl U, Ennker J, Florath I
Midterm outcome after Aortic root replacement with stentless porcine bioprostheses
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Jan 12;4(1):5 - I.C. Ennker, A.K. Bär, I. Florath, J. Ennker, P.M. Vogt
In Search of a Standardized Treatment for Poststernotomy Mediastinitis
Thorac Cardiov Surg 2011 Feb;59(1):15-20 - Gulbins H, Ennker IC, Malkoc A, Ennker JC
Female gender does not increase perioperative risk in coronary bypass surgery
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010 Oct;58(7):403-7 - Hassanein W, Hegazy YY, Albert A, Ennker IC, Rosendahl U, Bauer S, Ennker J.
Short term outcome of total arterial coronary revascularization in patients above 65 years: a propensity analysis.
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Apr 18;5:25 - I.Florath I, Albert A, Boening A, Ennker IC, Ennker J
Aortic valve replacement in octogenarians: identification of high-risk patients.
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 Jun;37(6):1304-10 - Ennker J, Albert A, Thanner M, Nagel E, Rosendahl U, Ennker IC Transparency of medical quality data. Ethical obligation to deliver or instrument to create unfair competitive advantage?
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2009 Oct;134 Suppl 6:S188-9 - J. Ennker, I.C. Ennker, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, S. Bauer, I. Florath.
The Freestyle stentless bioprosthesis in more than 1000 patients: a single-center experience over 10 years
J Card Surg. 2009 Jan-Feb;24(1):41-8 - H. Gulbins, A. Malkoc, IC. Ennker, J. Ennker.
Preoperative Platelet Inhibition with ASA Does Not Influence Postoperative Blood Loss Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Feb;57(1):18-21. Epub 2009 Jan 23 - I.C. Ennker, A. Albert, D. Pietrowski, K. Bauer, J. Ennker, I. Florath
Impact of Gender on outcome after coronary artery bypass surgery
Asian Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals in Press - J. Ennker, I.C. Ennker, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, S. Bauer, I. Florath
The Freestyle stentless bioprosthesis in more than 1000 patients: a single-center experience over 10 years
J Card Surg. 2009 Jan-Feb;24(1):41-8 - I.C. Ennker, A. Malkoc, D. Pietrowski, PM. Vogt, J. Ennker, A. Albert
The Concept of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) after poststernotomy mediastinitis – a single center experience with 54 patients
J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 12;(1):5 - J. Ennker, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, I. C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Ten-year experience with stentless aortic valves: full-root versus subcoronary implantation
Ann Thorac Surg 2008, 85(2)445-52, discussion 452-3 - I. Florath, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, I. C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Impact of valve prosthesis-patient mismatch estimated by echocardiographic-determined effective orifice area on long-term outcome after aortic valve replacement
Am Heart J 2008, 155(6)1135-42 - I. C. Ennker, D. Pietrowski, L. Vöhringer, B. Kojcici, A. Albert, PM. Vogt, J. Ennker
Surgical debridement, vacuum therapy and pectoralis plasty in poststernotomy Mediastinitis
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An unusual team of cardiothoracic surgeons. Interview by Ingrid Torjesen
Circulation 2007, 115 (16):f75-6 - H. Gulbins, A. Pritisanac, I. C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Safety of a cardiac surgical training program over a twelve-year period
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007, 55(8):494-9 - A. Albert, I. Florath, U. Rosendahl, W. Hassanein, E. Hodenberg, S. Bauer,
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Effect of surgeon on transprothetic gradients after aortic valve replacement with Freestyle stentless bioprosthesis and is consequences: a follow-up study in 587 patients
J. Cardiothorac Surg. 2997, 2007, 5;2:40 - I. Florath, A. Albert, W. Hassanein, B. Arnrich, U. Rosendahl, I. C. Ennker,
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Current determinants of 30 day and 3 month mortality in over 2000 aortic valve replacements: Impact of routine laboratory parameters
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Experiences collected in more than 2,300 diabetics undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: patients with a specific risk profile
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Body mass index: a risk factor for 30-day or six-month mortality in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement?
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Off-pump myocardial revascularisation in an octogenarian patient with dextrocardia and situs inversus
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The Stentless Freestyle Bioprosthesis: Impact of Age Over 80 Years on Quality of Life, Perioperative, and Mid-Term Outcome
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Veränderungen der Leberfunktion und Morphologie nach Anlage verschiedener portocavaler Bypassoperationen
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Formaldehyde-Free Collagen Flue For Experimental Lung Gluing
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Einflüsse des Geschlechts auf die Ergebnisse in der Herzchirurgie
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Zum Mißverhältnis von Chirurginnen und Chirurgen im Bereich der
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Fortschritte in der Herzklappentechnologie. Gerüstlose Herzklappen in Aortenposition
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The Disproportion of Female and Male Surgeons in Cardiothoracic Surgery
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Myokardrevaskularisation am schlagenden Herzen
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Experimental lung glueing with a collagen type protein adhesive
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Experimentelle Testung eines formaldehydfreien Kollagenklebstoffes
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Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery – Indications, Results, Complications and Contraindications.
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The Impact of Gelatine-Resorcinol-Glue on Aortic Tissue: Histomorphological Evaluation
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Minimal invasive Chirurgie im thoraxchirurgischen Behandlungskonzept
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Arterielle Myokardrevaskularisation in der neunten Lebensdekade. Eigene Ergebnisse und Literaturübersicht
Herz 1999;24:158-70 (Nr. 2) - R. Schoeneich, I.C. Ennker, F. Schoeneich, U. Rosendahl, T. Schröder, J. Ennker
Superobesitas-perioperative Morbidität und Letalität bei stark übergewichtigen Patienten in der Koronarchirurgie
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Abdominelle Komplikationen nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen
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Perioperative Komplikationen nach Herzklappenersatz
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Wirkung von Gelatine-Resorcin-Klebstoff auf die Aortenwand – Klinische Bedeutung
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Frühzeitige Hämodiafiltration verbessert das Überleben herzchirurgischer Intensivpatienten
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 1996 - Mortasawi, T. Schröder, I.C. Ennker, A. Albert, J. Hofmeister, F. Dalladaku, U. Rosendahl, T. Alexander, J. Ennker
Arterial myokardial revascularization in the 9th decade of life – own results and literature review
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Fortschritte in der Herzchirurgie
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Fortschritte in der Herzchirurgie, Teil 2
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Risk in elderly patients after stentless versus stented aortic valve surgery
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Die gerüstlose Freestyle-Bioprothese in älteren Patienten: operatives Risiko und 7 Jahre Follow-up
Z Herz Thorax Gefäßchir 2004;18,1:32-37 - S.F. Bauer, K. Bauer, I.C. Ennker, U. Rosendahl, J. Ennker
Intraoperative Bypass Flow Measurement Reduces the Incidence of
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Aortenklappenersatz bei 80- und über 80-jährigen –
Kurz- und Langzeitergebnisse
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Postoperative Evaluation of Radial Artery Grafts for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting by Transit-Time Doppler Flow Measurements
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Vergleich minimal invasiver Tracheotomieverfahren (Ciaglia, Griggs, Fantoni, Blue Rhino) bei kardiologischen Patienten
Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 2002, 39:595-603 - A. Abugameh, U. Rosendahl, S. Bauer, I.C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Minimal-invasive Entnahme der Arteria radialis für die arterielle Myokardrevaskularisation
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Intraoperative transit time flow measurement: off-pump versus on-pump coronary artery bypass.
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Lebertransplantation bei niedrigem Pfortaderfluß: Separation beider Pfortaderbereiche mit getrennter portal-venöser und
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Langenbecks Arch.f.Chir. 1989; 374:4, 232-239 - Albert, J. Hoendermis, A. Lauruschkat, T. Alexander, I.C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Analyse des perioperativen Schlaganfall mittels „semantic computing“
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Kurz- und Langzeitergebnisse der koronaren Bypassoperation in der neunten Lebensdekade
German Journal of Cardio-Vascular Medicine 1999; Jahrgang 3, Nr. 2:72-80 - Albert, J. Hoendermis, A. Lauruschkat, T. Alexander, I.C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Analyse des perioperativen Schlaganfall mittels „semantic computing“
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Short- and long-term results of the coronary artery bypass grafting in the 9th decade of life
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Isolierte koronare Bypassoperation in der neunten Lebensdekade
Z Gerontol Geriat 2000;33:1-7 - A. Mortasawi, S. Gehle, M. Yaghmaie, T. Schröder, I.C. Ennker, U. Rosendahl, A. Albert, J. Ennker
Kurz- und Langzeitergebnisse des Aortenklappenersatzes bei
80- und über 80-Jährigen
Herz 2001;26:140-148 (Nr. 2) - I. Florath, A. Albert, U. Rosendahl, T. Alexander, I.C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Mid term outcome and quality of life after aortic valve replacement in elderly people: mechanical versus stentless biological valves
Heart 2005 Aug; 91(8): 1023-9 - J. Ennker, U. Rosendahl, A. Albert, E. Dumlu, I.C. Ennker, I. Florath
Stentless Bioprostheses in Small Aortic Roots: Impact of Patient Prosthesis Mismatch on Survival and Quality of Life
J Heart Valve Dis 2005 Jul; 14(4): 523-530 - I. Florath, U. Rosendahl, A. Mortasawi, S. Bauer, F. Dalladaku, I.C. Ennker, J. Ennker
Current determinants of operative mortality in 1400 patients requiring aortic valve replacements
Ann Thorac Surg 2003, 76 (1):75-83 - J. Ennker, J. Bauer, U. Rosendahl, A. Lehmann, A. Mortasawi, T. Schröder, T. Alexander, I.C. Ennker
Simultaneous Myocardial Revascularisation and Aortic Valve Replacement – Stentless Versus Stented Bioprostheses
Int. Symposium Stentless Bioprostheses, May 12 – 16, 1999, Grand Cayman
Semin Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 1999; Suppl. 1, Vol. 11, 4:83-87 - J. Ennker, S. Bauer, U. Buhmann, U. Rosendahl, T. Schröder, I.C. Ennker
Mehrfachmyokardrevaskularisation am schlagenden Herzen – Risiken, Nutzen und Chancen
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 2000, Suppl. 7, 89:VII/37-VII/46 - J. Ennker, R. Schoeneich, T. Schröder, F. Schoeneich, I.C. Ennker
Der Einfluss von extremer Adipositas auf den peri- und postoperativen Verlauf nach aortokoronarer Bypassoperation
Deutsche Medizinische Wochenzeitschrift 2001, 126:419-423 (Nr. 15) - J. Ennker, A. Mortasawi, S. Gehle, M. Yaghmaie, T. Schröder, U. Rosendahl, I.C. Ennker
Aortic valve replacement with or without concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting in the 9th decade of life
Langenbeck`s Archives of Surgery 2001, 386:272-277 (Nr. 4) - J. Ennker, I. Florath, U. Rosendahl, S. Bauer, E. v. Hodenberg, I.C. Ennker
Perioperatives Mortalitäts- und Komplikationsrisiko nach biologischem Aortenklappenersatz bei älteren Patienten: ungestentete vs. gestentete Bioprothesen
Zeitschrift für Kardiologie 2001, Suppl. 6, 90:VI/58-VI/64 - Stand 2018